Dr. Murat Semerci
Machine Learning Researcher & Software Development Engineer
65193 Wiesabaden, Germany
GitHub Account:
Hi, there! I'm Murat.
I am just one of the hextillion (or more?) creatures in the universe, who is eager to learn new things everyday and to share them; a life-long learner. I am a machine learning researcher.
I have 2x BS (a double major participant), 2x MS and a PhD degrees in engineering and science. I have experience of research and teaching more than 15 years. For many years I have been professionally contributing to the development of many products and industrial projects both as a software developer and a data scientist / machine learning engineer in diverse areas (E.g. cyber-security, embedded programming, analytics, business intelligence, time planning).
My professional and academic interests are machine learning, tensor and kernel based models, distance learning and explainable artificial intelligence.
PANION / ABB eMobility DV Gmbh, Berlin, Germany
Developing the next-generation charge planning and fleet electrification application for sustainable transportation.
Responsible for designing, developing and maintaining the charging planning algorithms of PANION Charging.
Senior Data Scientist
Data Scientist
Daimler Truck AG, Berlin, Germany
Developed business intelligence applications to support the marketing team for strategic decisions.
Created data science and artificial intelligence based solutions for the future of logistics. Piloted an application for detection of suspicious activities (anomaly detection) in vehicles. Developed an object detection application using deep learning. Constructed the big data (analytic for vehicle telemetry) pipeline in Azure. Used Python language with Agile methodologies in a DevOps team in production.
Embedded Software Development Engineer (Automation)
Siemens AG, Istanbul, Turkey
Adopted the PROFINET Driver (PND) commercial library for the SIMATIC IOT 2000 product, which is in the market now. Prepared demo applications for the customers. Implemented new features of PND. Imported and adapted PROFINET Stack for PND. Added new features for the automatized embedded systems test framework. Developed with C/C++ languages.
Security Software Architect
(Cyber Security)
NETAS Telecomunnications AS, Istanbul, Turkey
Was responsible for the machine learning features of SIP application firewall, which is in the market now and is already deployed in some telecommunication infrastructure companies in Turkey. Led the implementation of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack and attacker detection modules. Made for two patent applications on the behalf of the company related to malicious user discrimination and DDoS attacks detection. Developed with C++ language.
Teaching Assistant
Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey
Courses assisted:
- CSE441 System Analysis and Design
- CSE430 Computer Organization
- CSE3203 System Programming and Assembly Language
- CSE023 Expert and Knowledge Based Systems
- CSE1003 Introduction to Computer Engineering
2010-2011, 2005-2008
Teaching and Research Assistant
Department of Computer Engineering and Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey
Courses assisted:
- EE 210 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
- EE 352 System Dynamics and Control
- EE 450 Control Technology and Design
- EE 451 Introduction to Robot Control
- ENG 101 Introduction to Computers
- CMPE 462 Machine Learning
PhD Computer Engineering
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: "Distance Approximations Between High and Multidimensional Structures"
MS Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
Thesis: "Design, Implementation and Comparison of
Weighted Graph and Class-Specific Kernels"
MS Computer Engineering
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Thesis: "Discriminant Ensembles and Error Analysis of Classifier Fusion Rules"
BS Computer Engineering
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
(Double Major Program), Honor Student
BS Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
(Double Major Program), Honor Student
Thesis: "A Speech Enabled NET. Framework Application for CIMS"
Project Number: 3140701, Turkish Scientific Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), 2015 - 2016
Project Number: 109E186, Turkish Scientific Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), 2010 - 2011
Project Number: 1R01EB0080161-01A1, National Institute of Health Grant, 2008 - 2010
Project Number: 05HA101, Bogazici University Scientific Research Project, 2006 - 2007
Project Number: 104E079, Turkish Scientific Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), 2006 - 2007
PANION / ABB eMobility DV: PANION Charging, PANION Fleet
Daimler Truck AG: Fleet Investigate, Fuel Loss, Vehicle Lens, Sales Potential Modelling
Siemens AG: PROFINET Driver (PND)
NETAS Telecommunications AS: Nova V-GATE Firewall, SPiDR WebRTC Gateway
Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals (Microsoft) : 06.01.2021 – No Time Limit
Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals (Microsoft): 15.01.2021 – No Time Limit
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals (Microsoft) : 15.09.2020 – No Time Limit
Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance and Identity Fundamentals (Microsoft) : 18.09.2021 – No Time Limit
Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate (Microsoft): 06.01.2021 – 06.01.2023
Microsoft Certified: Azure Database Administrator Associate (Microsoft) : 15.01.2021 – 15.01.2023
Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate (Microsoft) : 11.12.2020 – 11.12.2022
Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate (Microsoft) : 09.10.2020 – 09.10.2022
Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate (Microsoft) : 05.02.2021 – 05.02.2023
Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert (Microsoft) : 05.03.2021 – 06.03.2023
Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate (Microsoft) : 24.07.2021 – 24.07.2022
Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate (Microsoft) : 19.09.2021 – 19.09.2022
Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert (Microsoft) : 03.10.2021 – 03.10.2022
Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate (Microsoft) : 24.10.2021 – 24.10.2022
Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Engineer Specialty (Microsoft) : 14.11.2021 – 14.11.2022
Operationalize Cloud Analytics Solutions with Microsoft Azure (Trivadis AG) : 01.09.2018 – No Time Limit
Microsoft Azure Big Data Analytics Solutions (Trivadis AG) : 01.09.2018 – No Time Limit
Linux System Calls (UcanLinux) : 05.09.2017 – No Time Limit
SIMATIC PLC & TIA Portal Basic (Siemens) : 26.08.2016 – No Time Limit
"Discriminative Tensor Decomposition with Large Margin", M. Semerci, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, Digital Signal Processing, 95, 102584, 2019.
"An Intelligent Cyber Security System Against DDoS Attacks in SIP Networks", M. Semerci, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, Computer Networks, 136, 137-154, 2018.
"Change Point Detection for Monitoring SIP Networks", C. Yildiz, M. Semerci, T. Y. Ceritli, B. Kurt, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, 25th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2016).
"Potential Malicious Users Discrimination with Time Series Behavior Analysis", M. Semerci, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2016) Anomaly Detection Workshop, 2016.
"Detection of (D)DOS Attacks Based on Online Change Point Analysis", M. Semerci, M. Yamac, A. T. Cemgil, B. Sankur, D. S. Cosar, 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2016.
“A Probabilistic SIP Network Simulation System”, B. Kurt, C. Yildiz, T. Y. Ceritli, M. Yamac, M. Semerci, B. Sankur, A. T. Cemgil, 24th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2016.
"Mixtures of Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers", M. Semerci, E. Alpaydin, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2013 (ECML PKDD 2013), 23-27 September 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, Part II, LNAI 8189, pp. 675–688.
"Classification and Ranking Approaches to Discriminative Language Modeling for ASR", E. Dikici, M. Semerci, M. Saraclar, E. Alpaydin, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 21(2), 291-300, 2013. “
"Effective Graph Classification based on Topological and Label Attributes", G. Li, M. Semerci, B. Yener, M. J. Zaki , Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 5(4), 265-283, 2012.
"Data Sampling and Dimensionality Reduction Approaches for Reranking ASR Outputs Using Discriminative Language Models", E. Dikici, M. Semerci, M. Saraçlar, E. Alpaydın, Proc. 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2011), 28-31 August 2011, Florence, Italy, pp. 1461-1464, 2011.
"Graph Classification via Topological and Label Attributes", G. Li, M. Semerci, B. Yener, M. J. Zaki, 9th Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (with SIGKDD), August 2011, San Diego, CA, USA.
"Incremental Construction of Classifier and Discriminant Ensembles", A. Ulas, M. Semerci, O. T. Yıldız, E. Alpaydin, Information Sciences, 179, 1298-1318, 2009.

Programming Skills: C/C++ (advanced), Python (advanced), MATLAB (intermediate), Java (intermediate), T-SQL (intermediate)
Data Services: Azure Event Hub, Azure Databricks, Stream Analytics, Azure Data Factory, Azure Machine Learning Studio, Azure SQL, Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Synapse Analytics (Azure SQL Data Warehouse), Azure IoT Hub.
Libraries: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Numpy, SciPy, Pandas, Boost.
DevOps: Git, Azure DevOps Services, Containers, AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service), ACI (Azure Container Instances).
Technical Skills: Machine Learning, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Statistical & Mathematical Modeling, Algorithm Design, System Design, Embedded Software Programming,
Linux System Programming, Software Design
Methodologies: Design Patterns, Agile Methodologies with Scrum Practices
Languages: Turkish (native), English (professional), German (B1 level)
Honors: A reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions for Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence Review. Graduate scholar of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in USA.